Sunday, December 2, 2007


Why couldn't Pokemon use language? I mean, really?

Let's think this one through. There are these animals everywhere who have evolved to a point where they not only have grown the necessary vocal chords to be able to orate their various opinions to others around them, but they're even able to understand and communicate with humans using the language subject to the territory they live in.

But they can't say anything other than their name. Do they have mental problems?

I want to know what superior power decided upon the names that each of these little monsters was going to go by for all eternity. He must have really thought he was funny when he named Psyduck, because that is the most hilarious name ever. Ditto is amusing too, mainly because the creators probably thought they were being super creative.I never understood why the Pokemon would have these arbitrary levels that they happened to be at depending on how many other Pokemon they beat the hell out of. And then once they got enough "experience", they'd finally evolve into some sort of larger creature that wouldn't be any different other than having some sudden attitude problems. I like how the Pokemon wouldn't respect their master at these abrupt times until their master got enough badges from beating other trainers. Why were Pokemon so superficial?

What the hell did they do in those Pokeballs anyway? Maybe that's why they were always pissed off. It kind of seems like torture if you ask me. Perhaps that's why Pikachu was never a little bitch, because he/she/it never had to deal with being forced into a 2" by 2" sphere all the time.

I'd imagine it would have sucked quite a lot to be a Pokemon, being "caught" and torn away from your family in the wild and being sucked into a life of being forced to live in a small capsule with best part of your day involving nothing other than pain. Poor guys.

= Home?

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