Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Lions: Who elected them the Kings of the Animal Kingdom?

KING of the Animal Kingdom?

I'm assuming that lions have found their place as being known as the "kings of the animal kingdom" for the sole reasoning that they seem to be on the top of the food chain in most jungles and what-not.

I think it's fair to say that the animal kingdom exceeds farther than just the jungle though, don't you? Wouldn't you say that there are also animals in the ocean?

In this case, I'd say there are plenty of other animals that should rightly hold the throne to the King of the Animal Kingdom. Let us take a look at some of the other candidates I think deserve some consideration:

This is a whale. It's big as hell.

What kind of predators could a freakin' whale possibly have? None. Lions are mammals? Oh really? Well guess what, so are whales. Yeah, that's right. Whales are mammals who eat whoever and whatever the hell they want and don't take crap from anyone. A whale could totally beat the hell out of a lion with its eyelids.

What about the Giant Squid? Hell, it has the word "giant" in its name. It's gotta be big, then. I'd imagine every time you see giant squids you're pretty scared, and I bet a lion would be too. Especially if it was swimming 10,000 leagues under the sea just chillin' out and accidentally ran into one.

Remember that movie, "Jaws"? I've never seen it, but apparently there are a bunch of sharks with jaws who eat people in it. Any animal that is known to eat people on a regular basis ought to get at least some of the votes.

Jellyfish are just creepy.

In conclusion, I just have to say that I think it's horeshit that the lion automatically gets the prize and is recognized as the King of the Animal Kingdom, because I feel there are many other legitimate candidates for the role. I'm not saying that the lion is a bad leader or anything but I'm curious as to see how he got the position. I'm bored now. The end.

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