If you're like me, a part of your soul died when you watched the final season of Lost this year.
If you're like me, you invested six years of your life into a crazy, mysterious show about an island where a bunch of people lived and had crazy, mysterious adventures with one another.
Then the final season came and in every episode there was a strange alternate universe (of which my friends and I passionately called the don't-care-niverse), where everything and everyone was different. Why? Because.
Then, [spoilers] we realize that the alternate universe was purgatory. Oh okay. So that makes the island of adventures, some, uh.. pre-purgatory purgatory?
Wait a second, that's kind of dumb. Don't you have a better explanation for that, JJ? What, you were basically just making it up as you went along? Oh, darn.
Well, a lot of fans are saying that they liked it and stuff, because it gave them some sort of happy ending that brought back all the characters together again. Whatever.
I'm in the crowd of people that thinks that the final season of Lost would have been a lot better without the flashbacks/flashforwards/flashsideways to the alternate universe. But, I guess we might as well live it down because it's never going to happen and we have to live with the pointless, flawed gimmick forever.
OR MAYBE WE DON'T. Check it out, this dude is single-handedly going through every episode of the final season to take out all the garbage. Although it pretty much cuts every episode's runtime in half, who cares, because it's all the not-stupid stuff!
In all honesty, there's no way I'm going back to watch any of the last season of Lost (it killed a part of my soul, remember?). I simply thought it was cool that this dude hated the season enough to re-edit hours upon hours of footage to try to find some way to enjoy it.
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