Wednesday, June 16, 2010

You're Old

Just a couple reminders to help you remember you're getting really old.

First off, remember when we all went to see Independence Day back in the 90's? Yeah, those were the days before CGI (and for some reason, the special effects were way more realistic with the miniature action) and Will Smith was just becoming huge.

Well, Will Smith has had a child or two since then, and one of them, whom during the release of the movie hadn't been born yet just released a music video with that Beibbebebber kid. He was almost born in the year 2000.

Side note - what's going to happen once Beiber goes through puberty? I'm excited to see!

But, as if that wasn't enough, check out this picture of someone you know:

Yup, that's "Dewey," the youngest kid from the Fox show, Malcolm in the Middle.

You're old.

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