Yes, destroying America. This seems like strong verbiage to some, but drastic measures are needed for opportunist pricks like Glenn Beck. Fox News is becoming increasingly problematic itself, but Glenn Beck seems to be the seed to all that is horrifying in current American culture.
Beck originally practiced his political fear-tactic filled rhetoric when he hosted a nightly show on CNN, aptly titled Glenn Beck. On CNN, he wasn't that bad, for he seemed to keep a slight bit of journalistic integrity seeing as he was employed by a legitimate news outlet.
Then he moved to Fox News and carried his show with him, changing formats to become a more dialog-driven show revolving around heavy rapport with the camera (and supposedly, an audience).
It started out with a little innocent, attention-grabbing crying on his show. All sensible people watching, including Fox's own Shepard Smith (who seems to be one of the only sensible people on that network) rolled their eyes.
But then he kept going. The ratings grew, and Beck realized his "fear Obama because he's a socialist" campaign grew stronger. He began to claim he was just like the main character from the movie The Network, gaining the support of millions while spreading "common sense." I think that if Glenn Beck would've paid more attention to that movie, he would have realized that the main character was completely insane.
Beck's show turned into an apocalypse-predicting theme park, where on his show, it was admitted that Fox News was completely entitled to be "a cheerleader for the Bush administration" and to proceed in "misinforming our society."
Glenn Beck really, really believes our President is a racist. He jokes about killing United States' Speaker of the House. Just watch one of the hundreds of YouTube videos splicing together clips of Beck spouting out the scariest nonsense you could imagine. No, Beck, Obama is not the Anti-Christ.
Now, it's one thing to cater and entertain the right-wing sector to attain good ratings. It's a sector of the public that exists, and it only makes sense that there's an entertainment network to satisfy their desires.
The problem is that the general public that pays attention to his program are taking his views as valid. Instead of viewing his program as entertainment (as it's supposed to be, it is technically not journalism), they're believing it and taking it to the streets. When Beck subtly claims that President Obama will have a death panel, and claims that the government is trying to hack into your computer via the Cash for Clunkers website (see the website one debunked here) PEOPLE BECOME AFRAID. PEOPLE BECOME VERY, VERY AFRAID.
Pay no attention to the fact that Beck has hardly any formal education whatsoever (he dropped out of college after one semester), this Mormon is totally not lying to you and not motivated by ratings at all.
It's not surprising to me that previous advertisers on Glenn Beck's program are backing off and putting their ad money elsewhere. I fully expect more and more companies to begin backing away from their sponsorship of his hate and fear-driven program, but that's not going to stop him.
I don't know what to say to actual fans of Glenn Beck, other than to do what he actually recommends, to "take everything [he] says with a grain of salt."
I 100% agree that Glenn Beck is destroying America. He is manipulating the views of uneducated, conservative Americans into something that is destroying us all. Conservatives need to unite against the Democratic take over and against big government, but instead people like Glenn Beck are only further dividing conservatives so that we cannot unite at all. He is an extremist and should not lead anyone at all. Please create a facebook group with the same title as this blog. I am a college student and am disappointed in the lack of political participation by my fellow students, however, in the years to come I predict many more will become involved - at least I hope so!
"Conservatives need to unite against the Democratic take over and against big government"
Intelligent people need to unite against idiots that think like this. Way to be almost Glen Beck, just with less idiotic words.
I agree with Anonymous. While it is great that you are getting an education unlike Glen Beck, it is very unfortunate that you are conservative. If we continue to have more and more people follow their parent's conservative views, then we will ultimately become a nation of rich and poor. No middle class will be able to be sustained. Unfortunately, its already starting to get that way, and we must change this as soon as possible!
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