Now, I live in the midwest, so there's never, ever, ever anybody involved with the making of a film actually at a midnight opening for a movie. So who are you clapping for?
Not anybody from the film, that's for sure. Are you trying to demonstrate to your fellow audience members how much you enjoyed the movie? Well, they paid $10 to see this thing and they've stayed up till 2 o'clock in the morning watching it with you.
Do you really think this is the type of segment in the market that wouldn't enjoy a movie they already logically know they're going to like? They're probably missing work to see this. Even if they didn't actually like the movie, they're going to lie to themselves and say they did just so they don't feel stupid about the fact that they've just blown two hours worth of pay on something they could have just pirated for free.
Midnight movies are so annoying. Why do I keep going to them?
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