Monday, May 19, 2008

Kangaroos Rule

Kangaroos are pretty much the coolest animal in the world. Not only is every single kangaroo a professional boxer, but they also have built-in pockets. See the kangaroo's kid chillin' there in the pocket? That's the life.

It's just not fair, pockets are awesome. I use them for carrying things and stuff.

I want to evolve to have a pocket. Granted, I realize that like kangaroos, I'd probably have to carry a stupid baby in it for awhile. But after that, it could come in really useful.

Here are some of the things that I would finally be able to carry around at all times if I had a pouch/pocket:

A laptop
Laptops are handy for when I think of something unimpressive to write about. Sometimes, like when I'm in the middle of the rainforest, I think, "Man, if only I had a laptop, I could write about something right now."

A garbage canSometimes you're walking around with food, and after unwrapping and devouring said food, you're stuck with a plastic wrapper. Then all of a sudden your nice outdoor adventure turns into a time-wasting search for a garbage can. It would be awesome to be able to have a garbage can inside you.

Video Games + TVVideo games are fun, and they're even more fun if you have a TV to play them on. If I had a huge pouch on my belly, I might consider bringing around a television and video game system to play with wherever I go.

So anyway, yeah. Humans suck at evolving compared to kangaroos.


Unknown said...

How would you upload your unimpressive stories onto your blog?

Unknown said...

I also like how the top google ad is for kids games... what does that say about your blog - wrong target audience?