In the world of free downloads with services like Limewire, Kazaa, and Bittorrent, buying a CD makes you a loser. When was the last time you bought a CD? If you remember, you are a loser.
How have CDs combated this unbelievably low download price of zero? By not lowering their prices as a result of lower demand, that's how!
Now, the whole price thing doesn't bother me much. What causes me to think that CDs don't want to be bought is the fact that not only do they "cost money," but they are more importantly impossible to be opened. It is impossible to open that plastic, and if you think you can open it easily, you are a liar.
I think I might create a company where I hire large amounts of employees to provide the service of opening the plastic wrapped around compact disks. Although it might not be successful because record companies haven't figured out that they should lower the prices of their CDs yet. Damn.
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