I live in Minnesota, and I am cold. I want to know why in the world civilization ever occurred in cold climates. There is no legitimate reasoning why anyone would wish to construct and civilize a land that is below freezing a minimum of nine months out of the year.
Winter sucks in general. Post-Christmas, snow is just a pain in the ass. There isn't any pro to snow in general, except that it might allot to the canceling of school once every couple of years. But that doesn't happen often enough, so I don't count that as a pro.
I also don't like waking up in pitch-black darkness every day. There's nothing more disheartening than waking up when it's still nighttime and having to drag yourself out of bed to take a shower and then go outside and having your hair freeze. And then you die.
And don't give me that, "But it's so pretty" B.S. You and I both know that we're going to step in puddles on our way to where we're going today and see a bunch of muddy poop-colored snow trailing behind every vehicle.
Winter should be illegal.
I don't know, the snow is kinda pretty.
I'm kidding, I want it to go away. I will pay top dollar to the man who can bring me the disembodied head of Old Man Winter.
Very Unimpressive.
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