How do you think mafias are started, anyway? I mean, you could play the whole "organized crime necessitates some sort of hierarchy of management" card, but I think it would be way more funny to start a mafia with different intentions.
Instead of organized crime, my mafia would consist of a hierarchy of management founded on the idea of "Aggressive Consultation."
Say you've got someone you know who's doing something that's pissing you off. What should you do? A sensible person might be apt to confront the person, tell them what's bothering them, and hopefully work it out peacefully.
Screw that.
Instead, hire my team of professional "Aggressive Consultants" to go up to the person in question and show them who's who in this chaotic world of ours! This consultation will be thorough and will include our patented "consultation" which may or may not involve "baseball bats."

In the end, it's a pretty amazing idea but it would just take too much time and energy to structure and advertise for. Not to mention, the tremendous amount of lawyers I would need to protect my businessmen from being "imprisoned."
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