Dubble Bubble is the worst gum of all time. I want to know who in the world is out there buying supplies of Dubble Bubble, pushing the company's profits just high enough to be able to stay in business. There's no way their company can be thriving. Otherwise, there would be no justice in the world.
I refuse to believe that anyone goes to the store searching for gum (or even bubble gum for that matter) and decides that Dubble Bubble is their best choice.
The next time you put a piece of Dubble Bubble gum into your mouth, count how many seconds it takes for every last bit of flavoring to be depleted from the gum.
After you count to about 5, you'll realize that you're out of flavor and will begin looking for the nearest trash can to spit it out into.
Then, after you spit out the gum, seriously ask yourself how you acquired this Dubble Bubble gum. If you bought it, I assume it was for experimental purposes only.
If you got it from a friend, never talk to them again. They are a horrible, horrible person.

taylor i love your blog thing. makes me laugh quite a lot. muahaha...by the way i always spend about 5 minutes trying to figure out how to comment this damn thing...so pleace appreciate this comment...it has love hidden inside it.
Almost as bad as Zebra gum. =/
Hey, hey, hey. Dubble Bubble is good for 4 seconds!
Having said that, I will never buy that crap. I just like the first 4 seconds of flavor the gum has to offer before it is worthless and disgusting.
sometimes 6 seconds....
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