Enzyte, with their horrifying marketing campaign, caused me to have this opinion.
I refuse to believe that anyone sees one of these commercials, with everyone smiling intensely and looking like a mannequin, and thinks, "Hey, my junk is inadequate too!"
Why do all of these natural male enhancement commercials try to hide what they really are: penis pills. That's what I'm going to call the drug that I invent that helps older men get it on in bed.
Penis Pills. It even has a little alliteration thing going on there, see?
Although, I can't really foresee any reason I would ever be involved in a scientific team's creation of a new type of pill to increase blood flow in the underpants.
Wouldn't it be pretty scary to be the guy who has to try out the pills before they're put out into the public? I wonder if they experiment the pills on mice.
All right, I'm done thinking about this for the rest of my life.
haha i love it...wiener pills make me laugh.
hmmm... commercials on penis enhancement are kind of creepy. I do agree with you on that one.
I tried a few of those products claiming to give you rock hard erections, it's all b.s. like Red Rooster. But one thing that does work is Virection. Try it, its not like all the other stuff, this works.
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