Why do people still buy chalkboards? Do they not realize that whiteboards are 10 or 11 times better? Not only is it wicked easy to erase on whiteboards, but you don't have to deal with a bunch of chalk on your hands afterward.
One of the weirdest, worst, most excruciatingly awful thoughts that I have ever had is that of a person writing with a piece of chalk on a piece of paper. Think about it! It would feel all weird and be weird sounding.
I'm in a class currently and I have to deal with professors using chalkboards, wiping the chalkboards, and subsequently filling the air with poisonous chalk-gas we all breathe in. We'll likely all eventually die from it.
If you dislike gross sounds and don't like dying, I would recommend you join in the fight against chalkboards. Send a letter to your Congressperson today.
Do it for the children.
I find irony in the chalkboard ad Google put here.
Some may feel squeamish about eating it, but rabbit has a fan base that grows as cooks discover how easy they are to raise — and how good the meat tastes.
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