For the ignorant of you, Adam Carolla was the "other guy" on The Man Show. He was the skinny, taller, more Italian guy who worked alongside Jimmy Kimmel. He was never funny on that show, but that's because he's awfully suited for television.
His radio persona is a completely different story. He was on Loveline with Dr. Drew for a decade, and made anyone who came within reach of hearing his voice bow down to his glory. I know I did.
There's not much funny to this post, but it's rather more of a public service announcement because people need to be listening to his new podcast. It's been up and running for a few months now and it's completely free. The only thing he's asking in return is that his fans go out and get more people to listen. He loves doing it, and with the only motivation being the number of listeners (he's #1 on itunes for comedy podcasts), he's definitely legit.
So get in the game and begin listening to him. He is way more awesome than you: LISTEN HERE